Rhyan Young, CFIP


Frontier Rhyan Young headshot

Rhyan Young launched his practice in 2010, excelling in several senior positions, notably within JP Morgan &TIAA CREF, where he focused on creating detailed Financial plans for retiring college professors across the United States.

Rhyan brings over a decade of experience in domestic capital markets. His background allows for real-time market discussions and on-the-spot portfolio adjustments.

His responsibilities include creating semi-customized portfolios based on tax, risk and income considerations. He believes a successful investor needs a combination of both financial planning and proactive portfolio adjustments based on macroeconomic events.

Highly credentialed, Rhyan earned his Certified Fixed Income Practitioner (CFIP) certification, one of only less than 200 across the United States. The (CFIP) is a post-nominal professional certification awarded by the Fixed Income Academy. (CFIP) holders demonstrate a desire to learn and follow ethical standards in oversight of short duration fixed income portfolios.

Rhyan earned his Certified California Municipal Treasurer designation (CCMT). This professional designation is awarded to individuals who have completed the (CFIP) designation, passed the (CFA) foundations exam, and completed several hours of additional specialized training. The (CCMT) designation is designed to help advisors meet the complex challenges in the environment of public finance.

Rhyan graduated (Cum Laude) with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science from the School of Science & Engineering at Texas A&M Commerce.

Rhyan also graduated (Cum Laude) with a science degree from Richland College.

“The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first.”


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